Makhoakhoa were famed for their skill in producing a huge crop of pumpkins from their land. For this reason, they venerate the white pumpkin (lephutse). However, being descendents of Bakoena, some contest that they venerate the crocodile (koena).
Note: In reading the praise songs below, the word lijo (food) is capitalised. This is because Lijo is actually a name of one of the ancestors of Makhoakhoa. He was the son of Moselane and the father of Tumane.
Lekhoakhoa la Selimo, nthole!
U nthole mokopu le maraka, ke imetsoe!
Oabo Lijo, oabo Moselane.
Habo Lijo ho hlabana lithotsela,
Li hlabana le ba shoeleng marumong.
Thotsela se hlooho-kholo, Tumane!
Re bolela tse ka motšeo ho ntlo
Oa ma-Pohosela.
Lekhoakhoa labo Selimo, Nthole!
Motho oabo Lijo, pohosela!
Khoakhoa le maphutse le maraka-raka,
Nthole maphutse ke imetsoe,
Ha habo Lijo ho hlabana lithotsela.
Lekhoakhoa la ha Matela,
La Selimo, nthole!
Nthole maphutse le maraka ke imetsoe!
Motho oabo Lijo oabo Moselane.
Maqheku a betana patlellong,
A tseka nko ea namane.
Lekhoakhoa la ha Mahlatsi,
Batho ba ha Mahlatsi ba kaalo ka linaleli,
Ba kaalo ka joang ba tšaane, molelengoane,
Ke batho ba ha Mamphamo a Mahasa,
Batho ba Sepharumele sa Mongalo,
Ke batho ba ha Mamotlhotlo o a batloa,
Motlhotlo bosiu o ba mokhubelu,
Motšeare o ba mosootho,
Batho ba ha Mahlatsi ha se ba ho ea le batho ntoeng,
Ha ba ea le batho mahlare a a lala,
Ho cha lithota, bo-Atanye le bo-Kolonyama,
Liea-ha-Mahlatsi li ea ka bohlale,
Ha o ea ha Mahlatsi o ee ka bohlale,
Bona sekoti tseleng o tla oela!