Friendship and dark days

What indeed is friendship? And what is the measure of good friendship? I may not ever be able to answer the former but the latter I can 😉 .

True measure of friendship is in the dark days when there is but little sunshine in your life. The days when one fears to get out of bed and thinks burying their head under the duvet covers beats the ostrich burying its head in the sand. But get out of bed one must! For the dark days are the days of the truth and with the truth comes the light. Sadly, one such enlightening truth is “when days are dark, friends are few”!

Defining relations…friendship vs. camaraderie

By no doubt we are in interesting times. We are in a period where one has to critically analyse the difference between friendship and camaraderie (comradeship). I choose the two because as one listens to the news, one particularly gets a distinct impression that the two differ greatly. And indeed from seeking clarity from the all-knowing wiki, comradeship can be used to refer to friends or colleagues; and this means one can have a work relationship with another individual without being friends.

This, together with a reflection of my own relationships has made me wonder if it is possible to confuse high frequency of interaction with friendship? My answer is that the possibility of confusion is in all probability the same as the possibility of gaining a true friend from those interactions. Therefore, unless the friendship is tested, one may never know. So with the possibility of a splinter being formed, as spectators we should look forward to witnessing true friendships and mere interactions of convenience that might have been confused as friendship as embodied in comradeship!